  1. Supermarkets

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Aswaaq is a chain of supermarkets from AE, specializing in marketing a big range of quality products and fresh produce at affordable prices. The company is characterized for being a perfect blend of modern convenience and an authentic atmosphere. It has approximately 22 stores across AE and an online store.

Frequently asked questions about ASWAQ RAMEZ

How to save money at Aswaq Ramez

In Aswaaq you can save money by taking advantage of all of its promotions, low prices, offers and rewards. In addition, it offers delivery, exclusive benefits to those who join its loyalty program and who subscribe to the newsletter.

How can I access the best deals at Aswaq Ramez?

My Deals 365 brings you the best catalogues, discounts, and special offers from all your favorite shops.

Discover incredible savings on groceries, electronics, furniture, clothing, tools, gardening supplies, cosmetics, sportswear, toys, and much more. We have one of the largest collections of catalogues from some of the best shops and brands in the UAE.

My Deals 365 helps you find the best deals to save time and money. Find the latest discounts and offers at shops near you. Visit My Deals 365 today and discover new ways to enjoy your shopping experience!

When was Aswaq Ramez created?

Aswaaq has its trajectory in AE as a chain of supermarkets offering the best variety of quality and fresh products for all the family and your home. The company is making sure to bring you all of the articles at low prices. Aswaaq wants to be benchmarked as a world-class retailer in the region, is the reason why the company works strongly to be near its clients providing a big range of products to satisfy its needs. Nowadays, the company operates commercially through the online store and around 22 physical stores across AE, in locations such as Dubai.

Is Aswaq Ramez currently open?

The stores of Aswaaq open its doors all days, from Monday to Sunday from 7am to 00am. However, they are closed during Friday prayer from 12:05 pm to 12:25pm.

How to buy Aswaq Ramez products Online

In Aswaaq you can buy directly from the online store where you can find great purchase advantages such as promotions, offers and the loyalty program. In addition, it offers delivery and suggests subscribing to the newsletter to receive exclusive benefits.

What brands can I find at Aswaq Ramez?

Aswaaq commercializes its own brand. However, it includes others. Just to name some, adds Coca Cola, Caprice, Canderel, Cheetos, Davidoff, Doritos, Barbie, Harpic, Huggies, Nestle, Nesquik, Nescafe, Omega, Nido, Nan, Oriental, Oral-b, Oreo, Rexona and a lot of more.

Who are Aswaq Ramez's main competitors across the country?

Some of Aswaaq´s main competitors in AE are Aswaq Ramez, West Zone, Nesto and others.

How many Aswaq Ramez stores are across the country?

Aswaaq has around 22 stores across AE. To know the nearest of you visit https://www.Aswaaq.ae/Find-Us

How to get exclusive benefits at Aswaq Ramez

The best way to save money in Aswaaq is creating an account at the website. Beside this, by following social media, downloading the app and subscribing to the newsletter, you can get informed and get special benefits.

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