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  2. KM Trading

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KM Trading is a retail chain in the United Arab Emirates. The company operates multiple retail outlets across the United Arab Emirates, including supermarkets, hypermarkets, department stores, and convenience stores. They sell groceries, fresh produce, household goods, electronics, clothing, cosmetics, and more.

Frequently asked questions about KM Trading

How to save money at KM Trading

Saving money at KM Trading is very easy. You can visit their website to check their latest offers in the Sales Promotion section, join their loyalty program to get exclusive benefits and subscribe to their newsletter to receive their latest news in your mail.

How can I access the best deals at KM Trading?

My Deals 365 brings you the best catalogues, discounts, and special offers from all your favorite shops.

Discover incredible savings on groceries, electronics, furniture, clothing, tools, gardening supplies, cosmetics, sportswear, toys, and much more. We have one of the largest collections of catalogues from some of the best shops and brands in the UAE.

My Deals 365 helps you find the best deals to save time and money. Find the latest discounts and offers at shops near you. Visit My Deals 365 today and discover new ways to enjoy your shopping experience!

When was KM Trading created?

KM Trading was founded in 1973 by Mr Mohammed Korath. The company was a pioneer in the department store sector in the United Arab Emirates.

Over the years, KM Trading has expanded internationally, reaching Hong Kong, China, Thailand, Indonesia, Spain, and Brazil. Within the country, you can find locations in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Al Ain, and Fujairah.

Is KM Trading currently open?

Most KM Trading stores open their doors from Monday to Saturday from 08:00 to 00:00. The working hours may change according to the location.

How to buy KM Trading products Online

KM Trading does not operate an online store. You can visit their website to check their offers, find your nearest location and subscribe to their newsletter.

What brands can I find at KM Trading?

KM Trading offers an extensive selection of brands, allowing customers to choose the one that fits their budgets and necessities. Some of their top brands are Aviva, Manwood, Rover, ShoeTheraphy, Secure, Lily, Lotus Lake, Orchid, Bambalina, Nano, Hi Profile, Vorkland, Master Track, Femina, 4Teen, Lo Panache, Little Shines, Kitchenette, and Slara.

How many KM Trading stores are across the country?

There are 14 KM Trading stores across the United Arab Emirates. To find locations near you, visit http://kmt-group.com/store-locator/.

How to get exclusive benefits at KM Trading

The best way to get exclusive discounts at Kenz Hypermarket is to join their loyalty program. As a member, you can earn reward points which can be exchanged for future discounts and savings. You can also follow them on social media and subscribe to their newsletter to stay updated about their latest offers.

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